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How to Play Rail Line 14:19
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Europe, the second half of the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution is in full swing, due to the rapidly developing railways. New lines weave a net across the continent and one steam locomotive after another rolls along them, carrying agricultural crops, industrial raw materials, mail and passengers.
This brisk family game will introduce you to the genre of flip-and-write games. One player lays out a card, extending their and their opponents' tracks. Then everyone marks down the symbols they passed along the way. Your task is to construct a railroad track that connects the attractive destinations as efficiently as possible.
Rail Line contents: 6 Locomotive figures, 37 Railway cards, 1 Starting Station card, 1 Final Station card, 4 Curve cards, 1 Starting player card, 3 Pencils, 1 Pad of record sheets, English and German rules.
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